Pitcher Hill, Bisbee Hill, Markley Hill & Poland Hill, Laramie Mountains, WY (5-30-16)

Morning, and a glorious new day from the looks of it!  Lupe, of course, was already awake.  She was eager to dash outside the G6.  SPHP let her out.  While Lupe sniffed around the boulders and searched the trees for squirrels, SPHP consumed peach yogurt.  Nearby, the rugged high points of Eagle Rock (8,320 ft.) were lit up by the sun.  Lupe had been up there just yesterday evening.

The yogurt disappeared.  Time to go!  Lupe and SPHP headed E on USFS Road No. 714, but stopped briefly 0.33 mile SE of Eagle Rock.  The whole SE face of the mountain could be seen from here.  SPHP still wondered if the middle high point or one farther to the N was the true summit.  From this vantage point, it looked like the high point to the N was slightly higher.

Eagle Rock (8,320 ft.) from the SE.
Eagle Rock (8,320 ft.) from the SE.
Flowers in the fields SE of Eagle Rock. The orange ones were unusually shaped. SPHP had no idea what kind of flower they were.
Flowers in the fields SE of Eagle Rock. The orange ones were unusually shaped. SPHP had no idea what kind of flower they were.

Lupe’s next peakbagging goal was Pitcher Hill (7,840 ft.) located less than 5 miles ESE of Eagle Rock.  SPHP expected no trouble finding it.  In fact, SPHP had seen a big hill from Eagle Rock that was probably it.  The stony top of the hill looked like something Lupe wouldn’t even be able to climb.  SPHP hoped Lupe could find a way up.

USFS Road No. 714 curved S, as expected.  Then it curved W.  Any time now, the intersection with No. 712 should appear.  It didn’t.  SPHP drove on.  Finally, it was clear something was wrong.  Eagle Rock was again off to the N, and not that far away.  SPHP stopped to check the maps.  This had to be No. 712 already, but where had No. 714 turned into No. 712?  SPHP was supposed to have turned E, not W, on No. 712 there.

SPHP turned the G6 around.  A couple of miles later, it all became clear.  SPHP found the junction.  No. 712 going W was a good gravel road, just like No. 714.  Going E though, it was only a minor dirt side road.  That was why the junction hadn’t even looked like a junction.  Fortunately, No. 712 going E was still good enough to be passable for the G6, provided SPHP drove very slowly.

The G6 crawled along No. 712 going E.  A side road to the S marked as No. 712.D appeared.  Just beyond it was No. 710.  This all looked right according to the map.  No. 710 passes 0.25 mile N of Pitcher Hill.  SPHP turned onto No. 710, but went only a short distance further before parking the G6.  Lupe would start from here, even though she was still 0.75 mile NW of Pitcher Hill.

There was one problem.  Where was Pitcher Hill?  This was open rolling grassland.  Lupe had a good view of what was around, but Pitcher Hill was missing!  The big stony hill that SPHP had been assuming was Pitcher Hill was in sight, but it seemed to be a long way off to the S.  Could that really be it?  It didn’t seem right at all.  Lupe and SPHP went up a gentle rise to the SE for a better look.

SPHP stopped up at the top of the gentle rise to study the maps.  It was for certain Lupe wouldn’t be able to climb Pitcher Hill, if SPHP wasn’t even able to figure out where it was!  Lupe wondered what was going on.  Why are we stopping here?

SPHP had two maps of the area.  They both showed Pitcher Hill, but they didn’t agree on its location!  At least it was clear that the prominent stony hill SPHP had thought was Pitcher Hill couldn’t possibly be it.  That hill was too far away to the S.  It was almost certainly where the Russell Benchmark (8,227 ft.) was.

The stony mountain in the distance was the one SPHP had thought was Pitcher Hill. However, it was clear from the maps that it was too far away and in the wrong direction. So where was the real Pitcher Hill? Photo looks S.

The old Medicine Bow National Forest map showed Pitcher Hill was 0.5 mile SSW of where Lupe was on the opposite (S) side of Lodgepole Creek.  Although the creek wasn’t in view, Lupe could see a gap that the creek must be flowing through in that direction.  If the Medicine Bow National Forest map was right, Pitcher Hill had to be the modest looking hill on the far side of the gap.

SPHP’s old Medicine Bow National Forest map placed Pitcher Hill on the S (opposite) side of Lodgepole Creek. If the map was correct, Pitcher Hill was the hill shown on the L in this photo.

The Peakbagger.com topo map showed Pitcher Hill was 0.75 mile to the SE and on the N (same) side of Lodgepole Creek.  A low forested ridge was seen in that direction, but it didn’t look very impressive at all, hardly even worthy of a name.  Was that Pitcher Hill?

According to the Peakbagger.com topo map, the unimpressive forested ridge in the background was Pitcher Hill. USFS Road No. 710.A is seen in front of it. Photo looks SE.

For a minute or two, SPHP pondered, still uncertain.  In the end, SPHP concluded the Peakbagger.com topo map had to be right.  The topo map was much more detailed than the old Medicine Bow National Forest map.  The topo map showed that Pitcher Hill didn’t boast much elevation gain.  Small wonder it didn’t look very impressive.

Well, Lupe was out peakbagging, and if Peakbagger.com said that low ridge to the SE was where Pitcher Hill was, that was the hill Lupe was going to climb!  Lupe was happy when SPHP finally made a decision and started moving again.  Lupe and SPHP crossed USFS Road No. 710.A and entered a scraggly pine forest, approaching Pitcher Hill from the NW.

Lupe and SPHP skirted around the NE side of the first rocky high point.  It was clear there was higher ground a short distance beyond it.  Soon Lupe was up on top of the NW end of the Pitcher Hill (7,840 ft.) summit ridge.

Lupe up on the NW end of the Pitcher Hill summit ridge. A lower rocky point she went around the NE (R) side of is shown on the R. Photo looks NW toward the junction of USFS Road No. 710.A (L) and No. 710 (R).
Lupe up on the NW end of the Pitcher Hill summit ridge. A lower rocky point she went around the NE (R) side of is shown on the R. Photo looks NW toward the junction of USFS Roads No. 710.A (L) and No. 710 (R).

Looking SE along the narrow summit ridge, SPHP saw that the true summit was farther SE.  It was only a matter of a few feet higher than where Lupe was already, but of course Lupe would go over there.  SPHP also saw something else.  Lupe’s nemesis was here!  Cactus!

Although SPHP hadn’t seen any cactus at all in the Laramie Mountains until now, and none on the way from the G6 to Pitcher Hill, there was plenty of it along the summit ridge.  Lupe understood it was there, too.  She became very cautious.  SPHP put her leash on her to better help her avoid injury.  After a short break at the NW end of the summit ridge, Lupe and SPHP started SE for the true summit.

Part of Lupe's cactus-infested route to the true summit of Pitcher Hill, seen just ahead. Photo looks SE.
Part of Lupe’s cactus-infested route to the true summit of Pitcher Hill, seen just ahead. Photo looks SE.

The Pitcher Hill summit ridge was quite narrow, very rocky and somewhat discontinuous.  Cactus was abundant.  Lupe and SPHP had to scramble up and down the rocks.  It would have been fun, if the cactus hadn’t been around to make the whole process worrisome.  Lupe made it, though!  A tricky little climb brought Lupe to the true summit of Pitcher Hill.

Lupe reaches the true summit of Pitcher Hill (7,840 ft.)! Lodgepole Creek is seen below on the L. Photo looks SE.
Lupe reaches the true summit of Pitcher Hill (7,840 ft.)! Lodgepole Creek is seen below on the L. Photo looks SE.

The true summit wasn’t very far from the SE end of the summit ridge.  Lupe went all the way to the end of the ridge.  The views from Pitcher Hill were amazingly good, considering how unimpressive this ridge had seemed when Lupe and SPHP first saw it.  The SE end of the ridge was sunny and open, offering a panoramic view.

The Russell Benchmark from the real Pitcher Hill. Photo looks SSW.
Lodgepole Creek from the SE end of Pitcher Hill. Photo looks E.
Lodgepole Creek from the SE end of Pitcher Hill. Photo looks E.

There was an easier way up to the summit of Pitcher Hill than Lupe had taken.  It looked very easy to come up from the SW almost right to the summit.  Lupe couldn’t go down that way, though.  SPHP had left the backpack back at the NW end of the summit ridge.

Lupe and SPHP made one more scramble back over to the NW end of the ridge to retrieve the backpack, dodging cactus again all along the way.  Scraggly pines provided some shade there, so Lupe and SPHP took another short break.  For a minor objective, Pitcher Hill had made things rather interesting.  The views, though not spectacular, had been surprisingly worthwhile.

Lupe and SPHP returned to the G6 (9:49 AM), staying on the road once Lupe reached No. 710.  SPHP saw only one cactus down off the Pitcher Hill summit, but didn’t want to take an unnecessary chance of Lupe getting injured.  Pitcher Hill was lower than any of the other peaks Lupe climbed in the Laramie Mountains on this trip.  Perhaps that was why it was the only place Lupe encountered any cactus.

Lupe’s next two peakbagging goals, Bisbee Hill (8,480 ft.) and Markley Hill (8,520 ft.), were a pair of hills close to each other that Lupe had seen the day before from the top of much higher Pole Mountain (9,040 ft.).  At least SPHP knew how to find them!  Lupe and SPHP set out in the G6 to find a place from which Lupe could start her climbs.

Bisbee Hill (L) and Markley Hill (Center) from USFS Road No. 712 (Telephone Road). Happy Jack Hwy No. 210 where SPHP ultimately parked the G6 is seen on the R. Photo looks SSE.
Bisbee Hill (L) and Markley Hill (Center) from USFS Road No. 712 (Telephone Road). Happy Jack Hwy No. 210 where SPHP ultimately parked the G6 is seen on the R. Photo looks SSE.

Almost straight W of Bisbee Hill, SPHP found a perfect place to park the G6 at the S end of a long pullout along the W side of Happy Jack Hwy No. 210 (10:30 AM, 57°F).

While SPHP had complete confidence Lupe would have no problems climbing Markley Hill, Bisbee Hill was another matter.  It looked very rocky and steep.  Bisbee Hill was only 0.25 mile away, so Lupe and SPHP crossed the highway and headed for it first.

Bisbee Hill wasn't that high, but the huge rock knob of a summit looked rather daunting for a Carolina Dog. Would Lupe find a way up? Photo looks E from Happy Jack Hwy No. 210.
Bisbee Hill wasn’t that high, but the huge rock knob of a summit looked rather daunting for a Carolina Dog. Would Lupe find a way up? Photo looks E from Happy Jack Hwy No. 210.

Lupe and SPHP had an easy climb up the forested slope to the long saddle between Bisbee and Markley Hills.  As the ground leveled out, Lupe turned N toward Bisbee Hill.  When SPHP first saw the W half of the S face of the mountain, hope almost disappeared that there would be any way for Lupe to get up on Bisbee Hill.  It was a sheer cliff!

Getting a little closer, though, the E half of the S face came into view.  It looked much more promising.  Lupe began her climb of Bisbee Hill (8,480 ft.) from there.  Lupe’s route was kind of steep and rocky, of course, but the way up was surprisingly easy.  Soon Lupe was perched on the highest rocks near the W end of the summit!  Success!

Hah! Piece of cake! Lupe sits on the true summit of Bisbee Hill (8,480 ft.). Photo looks W. The G6 is parked along Happy Jack Hwy No. 210 on the L.
Hah! Piece of cake! Lupe sits on the true summit of Bisbee Hill (8,480 ft.). Photo looks W. The G6 is parked along Happy Jack Hwy No. 210 on the L.
Looking SSW from Bisbee Hill. Pole Mountain (9,040 ft.) (Center R) and Leg Benchmark (9,055 ft.) (Far R) where Lupe had been just the day before are in view. Happy Jack Hwy No. 210 is seen below on the R, too.
Looking SSW from Bisbee Hill. Pole Mountain (9,040 ft.) (Center R) and Leg Benchmark (9,055 ft.) (Far R) where Lupe had been just the day before are in view. Happy Jack Hwy No. 210 is seen below on the R, too.
Thickly forested Markley Hill, Lupe's next peakbagging objective, is seen not too far away beyond Lupe's rump. Photo looks S from Bisbee Hill.
Thickly forested Markley Hill, Lupe’s next peakbagging objective, is seen not too far away beyond Lupe’s rump. Photo looks S from Bisbee Hill.

Lupe and SPHP shared water and a couple of chocolate coconut granola bars to celebrate Lupe’s successful ascent of Bisbee Hill.  After a little while spent relaxing and enjoying the views, it was time to go.  SPHP started down first.  Lupe waited for the signal that she could come, too.

Lupe waits on top of Bisbee Hill for SPHP’s signal that it’s OK for her to begin her descent. Photo looks NNE.

Lupe and SPHP went back down the E half of the S face of Bisbee Hill.  It seemed to be the only possible safe route down, and left Lupe and SPHP at a good point from which to start the trek along the long saddle going S to Markley Hill.

Once down off Bisbee Hill, Lupe continued losing elevation slowly as she explored the forest for 0.33 mile on her way to Markley Hill.   Arriving at the lowest part of the saddle N of Markley Hill, Lupe discovered a little clearing and a nice surprise.

A big snowdrift was on the S edge of the clearing!  Lupe was excited!  She frisked on the snow, cooling off and having a great time.

Overjoyed Lupe frisks on the snow drift at the base of Markley Hill. Anyone want to play with a really cool American Dingo?
Overjoyed Lupe frisks on the snow drift at the base of Markley Hill. Anyone want to play with a really cool American Dingo?

The climb up Markley Hill was straightforward.  Lupe and SPHP went up a long moderately steep slope through the forest.  When Lupe reached the top of a broad ridgeline coming up from the NW, she turned SE following the ridge higher.  More rocks and boulders appeared as Lupe got close to the summit, but they presented no serious obstacle.  Soon Lupe was on top.

Lupe on the true summit of Markley Hill (8,520 ft.). Photo looks S.
Lupe on the true summit of Markley Hill (8,520 ft.). Photo looks S.

Markley Hill had appeared heavily forested from a distance, so SPHP wasn’t anticipating there would be much in the way of views.  However the summit area was rockier than expected, and there were fewer trees than SPHP had thought.  Lupe actually did have partial views toward the S and SW.

Pole Mountain (9,040 ft.) (R) from Markley Hill. Photo looks SW.
Although there were partial views to the S and SW, not much could be seen to the N except trees. Here Lupe is on the highest rock on Markley Hill. Photo looks NNE toward the forest.
Although there were partial views to the S and SW, not much could be seen to the N except trees. Here Lupe is on the highest rock on Markley Hill. Photo looks NNE toward the forest.

Lupe and SPHP didn’t dilly-dally too long up on Markley Hill before starting back to the G6.  Lucky Lupe got to frisk around briefly on the big snow drift one more time.  By 11:59 AM, Lupe and SPHP were back at the G6.

SPHP started driving S on Happy Jack Hwy No. 210.  The plan was for Lupe to climb Point Crawford (8,840 ft.) and Bennett Hill (8,440 ft.) next.  SPHP knew they were only a few miles away to the SW.  Lupe and SPHP left Happy Jack Hwy to take USFS Road No. 707 (Headquarters Road).  No. 707 goes by both peaks less than 0.5 mile to the E of them.

After driving by on No. 707, SPHP still wasn’t quite certain exactly which high points were Point Crawford and Bennett Hill.  SPHP turned N on USFS Road No. 705 (Blair-Wallis Road).  It was getting to be lunch time, and despite a lack of rain in the forecast, clouds seemed to be building up fast in the SW.  Maybe it was time for Lupe to eat, and take a little break from peakbagging?  A sign at the intersection had indicated the Wallis picnic ground was only 0.5 mile N.

It turned out there weren’t any signs at the Wallis Picnic Ground itself.  SPHP drove right on by.  When the picnic ground didn’t materialize farther up the road, SPHP turned around and went back.

The Wallis picnic ground appeared to be defunct.  A wooden rail fence enclosed a big flat round parking area next to Middle Crow Creek.  Across the creek, tucked next to the shady forest, was a small building and a couple of picnic tables.  Rather inconveniently, the bridge to that side of the creek was gone.  The only sign around was a small one nailed to a wooden fence railing saying “No Overnight Camping”.

Lupe next to Middle Crow Creek at the defunct Wallis picnic ground. The bridge across the creek to the old picnic tables was out.
Lupe next to Middle Crow Creek at the defunct Wallis picnic ground. The bridge across the creek to the old picnic tables was out.

Clouds sprinkled rain, but didn’t accomplish much. While having lunch in the G6, SPHP studied the topo map.  SPHP suspected that a somewhat barren big hill in view to the NE was Point Crawford, but was less certain about the location of Bennett Hill.  A small forested hill in view to the SE might be it, or Bennett Hill might have been one of the high rock outcroppings that had been in view from the E on USFS Road No. 707.

The light rain stopped, but there were still big clouds around.  It felt cooler out.  Instead of tackling a big hill like Point Crawford, SPHP decided Lupe should go farther S and check out Turtle Rock (8,600 ft.) and Poland Hill (8,480 ft.).  It meant another little drive, but that was OK.

Lupe and SPHP had seen Turtle Rock before from a distance.  Turtle Rock was a dramatic looking mountain.  Rock walls forming a giant horseshoe shape rose up from the surrounding grasslands.  Several distinct high points were spread out along the ridge.  The maps showed that Vedauwoo Glen campground was hidden inside the horseshoe, surrounded by the giant rock walls except at the only entrance from the S.

In truth, SPHP didn’t think there was any way Lupe could climb Turtle Rock.  From a distance, the nearly solid rock mountain looked too steep and unforgiving.  As the G6 approached Turtle Rock from the SW on USFS Road No. 700, climbing Turtle Rock seemed even less feasible than before.

Turtle Rock from USFS Road No. 700. It really didn't look like anything Lupe and SPHP could climb. Photo looks NE.
Turtle Rock from USFS Road No. 700. It really didn’t look like anything Lupe and SPHP could climb. Photo looks NE.

Some sort of event must have been going on at Turtle Rock.  SPHP drove on No. 700 all the way to the intersection with No. 720, which leads to Vedauwoo Glen campground.  Vehicles were coming and going.  More than 50 were parked in the fields near the intersection.  A big sign said this was a fee area.

Hmm.  Crowds, fees and an unclimbable mountain.  Not exactly the combination Lupe and SPHP normally seek out.  Mentally, SPHP crossed Turtle Rock off Lupe’s list of peakbagging goals.  Turtle Rock looked awesome, but climbing it wasn’t gonna happen!

On the way to Turtle Rock, Lupe and SPHP had driven by S of Poland Hill.  Poland Hill hadn’t looked all that promising either, but at least it was a much smaller rocky crag.  Maybe Lupe could get to the top?  SPHP doubted it, but it seemed worth a try.  Lupe and SPHP drove back W on No. 700.  Shortly before reaching I-80, SPHP parked the G6 at the start of USFS Road No. 700.G (2:01 PM, 54°F).

Poland Hill (8,480 ft.) is a mile W of Turtle Rock. SPHP didn't take this photo until Lupe was on her way back to the G6. Photo looks NNE.
Poland Hill (8,480 ft.), seen here, is a mile W of Turtle Rock.  Photo looks NNE.

Lupe and SPHP began the journey to Poland Hill heading NW on No. 700.G near a fence line.  The road came to a low spot, climbed a small hill, and started losing elevation again as it turned NE toward Poland Hill.  When the road curved farther E on its way to a pond that was now in view, Lupe and SPHP left the road.

A wide marshy area filled with tall bushes and aspen trees was directly ahead.  Lupe had no problems going right on through it all, but SPHP had a much trickier time trying to find a way over 3 separate small streams and a lot of wet, mucky ground.  SPHP finally managed to get across without getting too wet and muddy.

Lupe and SPHP continued N up a much drier grassy hillside, and arrived on flatter, very thinly forested ground strewn with scattered boulders and odd rock outcroppings W of Poland Hill.  The view of the rest of the way up was not the least bit encouraging.

Lupe on one of the odd rock outcroppings near Poland Hill. This view of the rest of the way up wasn't very encouraging. Photo looks NE.
Lupe on one of the odd rock outcroppings near Poland Hill. This view of the rest of the way up wasn’t very encouraging. Photo looks NE.

Lupe and SPHP scouted out the W side of the line of rocks at the top of Poland Hill.  It was clear there wasn’t any feasible way up for Lupe from any other direction.  Poland Hill had two high points.  A huge rock at the N end was definitely the true summit.  Some big rocks near the S end formed the second highest point.  The S high point appeared to be 5 to 10 feet lower than the N summit.

In between the high points was a line of huge, rounded rocks.  Near the top of the hill, the rocks were so huge, and the sides so steep, it didn’t look possible to go over or around them.  If there was any way up, Lupe would have very limited mobility along the ridge.  It wouldn’t be possible to maneuver from the N summit toward the S high point or vice-versa.

At first glance, SPHP didn’t see any way up at all.  However, a little scouting around revealed a way up some boulders that brought Lupe all the way up onto the ridgeline.  She arrived at a point very close to the S high point.  SPHP considered getting even this high a victory for Lupe.

Lupe reaches the ridgeline on Poland Hill a little way N of the S high point (not pictured). Photo looks NE.
Lupe reaches the ridgeline on Poland Hill a little way N of the S high point (not pictured). Photo looks NE.

Close to where Lupe came up, she discovered a secret, hidden grotto.  The rocks just N of the S high point contained a depression several feet deep and a dozen feet wide.  At the bottom was a cool pool of water with green plants growing in it.

Lupe perches above the secret hidden oasis on Poland Hill. Turtle Rock can be seen in the background. Photo looks E.
Lupe perches above the secret hidden oasis on Poland Hill. Turtle Rock can be seen in the background. Photo looks E.

Although it had been mostly sunny on the way to Poland Hill, clouds were now moving in again.  What had been a light W breeze, became a strong W wind.  The air felt colder.  Lupe didn’t enjoy the wind at all.

Lupe sits exposed to a strong W wind up on Poland Hill. Turtle Rock is again visible in the background. Photo looks E.
Lupe sits exposed to a strong W wind up on Poland Hill. Turtle Rock is again visible in the background. Photo looks E.
The true summit of Poland Hill at the N end of the ridge is the big boulder seen beyond Lupe. Lupe stands above the N rim of her secret oasis. Photo looks N.

Lupe had come up quite close to the S high point.  Lupe and SPHP could both see it.  It was right there!  So close, and yet so far.  SPHP explored a big crack between boulders, but it soon became apparent there simply wasn’t any practical way up.  Lupe posed for a photo of the S high point on the highest rock she could reach safely.

Almost there, but not quite! Lupe on the highest rock she could get up to on Poland Hill (8,480 ft.). The close, but unattainable, S high point looms over her. Photo looks S.

Lupe never did get to the top of Poland Hill, not even to the top of the S high point.  She was probably 25 feet +/- short of the true summit, considerably closer than that to the top of the S high point, but still not close enough to claim success, even for Dingo work, on such a small mountain.

Lupe didn’t care.  She’d crossed streams and marshes, climbed high boulders, discovered a secret hidden oasis, and gazed upon distant mountains while exposed to the wild and free W wind!  Speaking of which, Lupe was entirely ready to get down out of the annoying wild and free W wind.  SPHP took a couple more quick photos of the views, and Lupe began her descent.

Looking NE toward Twin Mountain (8,831 ft.) and the Sherman Benchmark from Poland Hill.
Looking NE toward Twin Mountain (8,831 ft.) and the Sherman Benchmark from Poland Hill.
Turtle Rock from Poland Hill. Photo looks E.
Turtle Rock from Poland Hill. Photo looks E.

Lupe and SPHP ventured much farther W toward a house and private property near the edge of the Medicine Bow National Forest on the way back to the G6.  This allowed Lupe (actually SPHP) to avoid the worst of the marshy land to the S.  Sadly, there were lots of Lupe Treasures along the way.  SPHP gathered up as many as possible, but wasn’t truly prepared to carry much.

The W wind was still blowing briskly when Lupe reached the G6 (3:46 PM, 54°F).  Lupe hopped right in the G6 ASAP to escape it, leaving SPHP struggling to keep the Lupe Treasures from blowing away.  From a peakbagging standpoint, Lupe’s journey to Poland Hill had been a near miss, but still a failure.  As an adventure, though, it was a complete success!

Lupe at her hidden grotto on Poland Hill.
Lupe at the hidden grotto on Poland Hill.

Lupe Treasures gathered: 13 aluminum cans, assorted pieces of Styrofoam.


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