Long Trek Mountain, San Juan Mountains, Colorado (6-17-23)

Days 10 & 11 of Lupe’s 1st Summer of 2023 Dingo Vacation to Colorado & New Mexico!

6-16-23, 3:50 PM, USFS Road No. 380 a mile NW of Lake De Nolda – Dang!  Almost to where this steep mountainside road was going to top out, big snowbanks started appearing on it.  Fortunately they only covered half of the road, so the RAV4 could squeak past them.  Only one more to go, when suddenly a green ATV appeared coming the opposite direction.

SPHP pulled the RAV4 over to hug the mountain so the ATV could get by.  Instead, the driver stopped.

From South Dakota, huh?  Where are you and your dog going, anyway?

Crater Lake trailhead.  Believe it’s only another mile or two.

You’ll never get there!  Road’s completely blocked by a huge snowbank 0.25 mile ahead.  There’s a decent place to turn around, though.

Thanks for the beta, sir!  Appreciate it.

The turnaround point turned out to be an abandoned side road on the L, fortunately situated just before the massive, road-blocking snowbank.  Instead of turning around, SPHP merely pulled in and parked.

Lupe leapt out as soon as SPHP opened the door.  Looking WSW along the side road, 3 snowy peaks were in sight only 2 or 3 miles away.

Wow, really gorgeous!  Which one is Summit Peak (13,300 ft.), SPHP?

Not entirely certain, Loopster.  Probably the middle one.  It’s the highest.  Let me check the map, just to be sure.

The longer SPHP compared the map against the view, the less it seemed possible that middle peak could actually be Summit Peak.

Huh!  I was wrong, Loop.  Got it now.  Long Trek Mountain (12,866 ft.) is on the R, the middle peak is actually Montezuma Peak (13,150 ft.), and that big ridge on the L is HP12312 way out along Long Trek’s SE ridge.

Sweet!  And so whatever happened to Summit Peak, SPHP?  You know, our next main objective?

Either we can’t see it from here, Loop, or it’s that mountain poking up over beyond the end of HP12312.  That would be about the right spot for it.

HP12312 (L), Montezuma Peak (Center), Long Trek Mountain (R). Summit Peak (far L) in the distance. Photo looks WSW.

Really?  Way over there, SPHP?  But look at all the snow!

Yeah, I know, Looper.  We may not get there without doing some winter camping, and I’m not up for that.

So what are we going to do, SPHP?

We can call it and leave now, Loopster, or stick around and do what we can.  Who knows?  Maybe it’s possible as a day hike.  Thought it would be, but that was before I realized how much snow is still in the San Juans.

I like it here, SPHP.  Let’s stay!

Me, too, Loop.  But I’m going to think about it.  No sense in biting off more than we can chew.

SPHP pondered the maps.  Really no need to go all the way to the Crater Lake trailhead.  This spot appeared to provide decent access to the same region.  Hate to leave without getting anything at all accomplished, and although Summit Peak was a long snowy march away, Montezuma Peak and Long Trek Mountain weren’t all that far.

Half an hour after deciding to stay in order to let the American Dingo have a go at it tomorrow, dark clouds came sailing in from out of the SW.  Snowed impressively for the next half hour.  Just a squall.  Blue sky reappeared.

6-17-23, 8:18 AM, 43ºF – Four days before the summer solstice, and last night had been the coldest one yet on this Dingo Vacation.  Got down to what, the upper 20’s ºF?  Maybe.  Even though the sun had already been rapidly warming things up for a while, there was still frost on the RAV4.  Of course, this side road off USFS Road No. 380 was at 11,450 feet.

SPHP had slept poorly, not only due to the cold, but also because some rodent had spent the wee hours scurrying and gnawing away wherever it pleased in the RAV4’s undercarriage.  Didn’t quit until SPHP finally opened and repeatedly slammed one of the doors.

Meanwhile, a certain Carolina Dog had slept like a baby.  Should  have brought a Carolina Cat!  This morning, Lupe spotted the likely gnawing culprit, a mouse in the bushes 15 feet from the RAV4.  After she dashed in and out half a dozen times trying to catch it, SPHP saw the mouse take refuge beneath the RAV4 again.

Simply marvelous!  Thanks so much, Loop!

You’re certainly welcome!  For what, SPHP?

The mouse just went back under the RAV4.  I saw it.

Oops!  Sorry, SPHP!

Never mind.  Not important.  I’m just grumpy.  Pack’s ready.  If we’re to have any shot at all at Summit Peak, we’d better get going, Looper.

What are the magic words, SPHP?

Oh, of course.  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

The sky was clear as a bell as Lupe set out heading W along the side road straight into a chilly 15 mph wind.  Nevertheless, the blue sky, crisp air, and dazzling snow white mountains soon had spirits soaring.  After all, the snowfields Lupe encountered at Conejos Peak (13,172 ft.) recently hadn’t been much of a problem.  Maybe the Carolina Dog really would get to Summit Peak today?

About to head out. HP12312 (R of Center), Montezuma Peak (R), Long Trek Mountain (R edge). Photo looks SW.

The road took Lupe on a gradual descent into the Prospect Creek valley.  Bordered by forest, the scenic valley was a mix of meadow, snowbanks, and scattered bushes.  Entire hillsides were covered with plants sporting huge, bright green leaves.  As evidenced by last year’s crop laying among them, these robust plants would eventually grow stalks several feet tall.

Merely a little over 2 miles away as the crow flies, Lone Trek Mountain was the American Dingo’s minimum objective of the day.  Making great progress going downhill on the road, it hardly seemed possible that Lupe wouldn’t get at least that far with ease.

Hopes rose rapidly for both Montezuma Peak and Summit Peak, too.  Yeah, baby, Lupe going to get there!

Prospect Creek valley. Montezuma Peak (L), Long Trek Mountain (L of Center). Photo looks W.
Prospect Creek. Photo looks S.
Among the extraordinarily healthy-looking big green plants. Photo looks E.

After 0.67 mile, Lupe reached Prospect Creek.  Now washed out, the road clearly used to cross it.

Long Trek Mountain (Center) from Prospect Creek. Photo looks W.

The territory farther W along the N side of the creek looked like lovely, easy ground, but was sopping wet.  Backtracking higher to drier terrain, Lupe abandoned the road.  Continuing W, even up here she ran into plenty of soggy spots.

Despite wet paws, progress remained excellent.  Lupe quickly reached a fork in the valley where a major tributary of Prospect Creek came down from the NW.  A large snowbank provided a convenient bridge over this stream.

Continuing up the Prospect Creek valley. Photo looks W.
By the snow bridge over the NW fork of Prospect Creek. Photo looks NW.

A line of trees stood up on the opposite bank.  After crossing the bridge and getting past these trees, a flat clearing was ahead.  Hardly any snow here, but beyond a stand of half dead forest at the far end, a slope with a significant amount of snow on it was visible through the trees.

Traveling W across the clearing, a mountain was in view off to the NW.

In the clearing beyond the stream. Photo looks WNW.
Peak 12550 (Center). Photo looks NW.

That’s a fine looking mountain, SPHP!  Not much snow on it, either.  We ought to be able to climb that one with ease.

Unfortunately, if we want to maintain any possibility of getting to Summit Peak, that’s the wrong way, Loopster.  Have to agree with you, though.  Does look eminently climbable.  Must be Peak 12550 according to the map.

After passing through the half dead forest, the first snow climb began.  Steepish, but not that bad.  Even SPHP was able to march right on up.  Above the snow, the terrain leveled out again.  Continuing WNW, Lupe came to a series of broad, flat benches separated by steeper snow climbs.

6-17-23, 9:24 AM – The American Dingo had now reached the toe of a vast, more gently sloping region rising toward Long Trek Mountain.  Looking ESE back down the Prospect Creek valley, Lookout Mountain (12,448 ft.), Sheepshead (12,240 ft.), and Prospect Mountain (12,245 ft.) were in sight.

Lookout Mountain (L), Sheepshead (L of Center), Prospect Mountain (Center) beyond the Prospect Creek valley. Photo looks ESE.

Ahead to the W, long lines of evergreens separated a patchwork of large meadows, substantial portions of which were buried under snowfields.  Clad in snow, Long Trek Mountain was now only 1.25 miles WSW.

As Lupe pushed on, roaming the grasslands when possible, and crossing snowfields when necessary, the sky gave increasing cause for alarm.

Montezuma Peak (L), Long Trek Mountain (R of Center). Photo looks WSW.

Not a cloud in the sky when we set out, SPHP.  Now, not a sky in the cloud!

Unconventionally put, Sweet Puppy, but I get your drift.  Not getting any warmer, either.  Feels like it could snow!

Avoiding a wide, shallow valley to the S, Lupe stayed on higher ground, still wandering W or WNW.  As she continued gaining elevation, SPHP kept an eye on the weather.  Meanwhile, the Carolina Dog was entering a world of snow.  Fewer, shorter trees, less and less snow-free ground.

Long Trek Mountain (Center). Photo looks WSW.
Entering the world of snow. Photo looks W.

This is awesome, SPHP!  Makes one feel like a real explorer, doesn’t it?

For sure!  Please keep a nose out for the Continental Divide Trail.  I may not see it amid all this snow.  It’s somewhere between us and that highest ridge to the W.

Bare ground grew scarce.  The trek became a long, gentle snow trudge higher.  Driven by the wind, intermittent waves of snow granules began pelting the Carolina Dog.  A small dry spot next to an old, 4 foot high stunted tree provided a semi-sheltered spot to take a short break.

No sign of the CDT yet, SPHP.

I know.  Can’t be much farther W, but I doubt we’ll see it.  Might not do us any good, anyway, with all this snow, even if we do.  Maybe we should just head SW more directly toward Long Trek Mountain?

The wind, which had died down to a considerable degree earlier, was now picking up again.  A steadier, general snowfall began.  SPHP shared some eagerly accepted beef jerky with Lupe, then, during a lull in the storm, the trek continued, now heading SW.

Started snowing again.  Fog swept in, obliterating Long Trek Mountain.  Lupe went on, still occasionally coming to stretches of bare ground.  The terrain was easy, sloping only gradually up to the W.

Long Trek Mountain disappears. Photo looks SW.

After crossing a long stretch of snow, another short break was taken next to another lone, stunted tree.  Visibility was down to 150 feet.

I dare say our chances of getting to Summit Peak (13,300 ft.) suddenly aren’t looking all that good, SPHP.

Nope.  I’ve pretty much given up on it, Looper.  We’ll be lucky to get to Long Trek Mountain the way things are going.

Do you think we’ve crossed the CDT yet, SPHP?

No.  We’ve been paralleling it.

In snow and wind, Lupe pressed on through the storm, now heading NW to avoid losing elevation.  Before long – Lo and behold!  A cairn marking the course of the CDT appeared in the gloom at the edge of a snow-free region only a short distance ahead.

By the cairn (R of Center) marking the Continental Divide Trail. Photo looks SW.

Huh!  Well, how about that, Loopster?  Guess we can follow the CDT at least a little way, after all.

However, turning SW again, Lupe got only a few hundred feet along the CDT before worsening conditions forced SPHP to call a halt.  Shelter was taken by another gnarled tree the size of a bush.

6-17-23, 10:45 AM, Continental Divide Trail – The W wind blew 30 mph, and it was snowing hard as Lupe sought refuge.  Must be getting close to freezing, because the snow was starting to stick.

Holy, moly, Looper!  Get on my lap, so we can keep each other warm.  We’ll wait it out right here.

SPHP wrapped an old red sweater around Lupe, tying the arms beneath her neck.  Before curling up on SPHP’s lap, she looked like Super Dingo, her red cape flapping wildly in the gale.  SPHP was wearing every other layer available – gloves, jackets, stocking cap, hood.  Huddled together by the protective bush, the situation seemed incredible.

Super Dingo questions the wisdom of this whole project during a lull in the storm.

Calmly, Lupe watched in amazement as the ground turned white.  Snow and fog swept by, driven by the wind.  It was an absolute blizzard!  At times visibility was practically zero, at other times, the fog opened up, and an Arctic vista would appear.  Snow was flying everywhere.  Views came and went, suddenly appearing then vanishing like ghosts.

Incredibly, little birds were flitting around out in the storm.  Generally unseen, except momentarily, their cries sounded like “It’s a snowstorm!  It’s a snowstorm!”  A more ominous sound came from the NW.

Thunder, SPHP!

Stay with me, Loop.  Don’t try to run away from it!  You’ll get lost!

Time passed.  The blizzard raged on.  Still on SPHP’s lap, Lupe enjoyed Taste of the Wild and plenty of beef jerky.  SPHP munched on trail mix.

So glad I brought all this sunscreen along, Loop.  Been a real lifesaver!

You’re a riot, SPHP!  How’s the beef jerky supply holding out?

Fine.  Want another piece, Loop?

I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 100, SPHP.

Ha!  Forget it.  I’ll give you one.  You’d make yourself sick, if I let you.

6-17-23, 11:55 AM, 31ºF, Continental Divide Trail – The whole world was white or gray.  Still foggy in some directions, Long Trek Mountain hadn’t reappeared, but the Carolina Dog could see a long way in others, and it had finally stopped snowing.  The sky kept brightening and darkening.  The wind now came only in great gusts with periods of calm between.

During a lull, Lupe got up and rolled in the new snow.

Really, Loop?  You’re that warm?  Here I thought I was keeping you from freezing to death.

Are we going to Lone Trek Mountain, or not, SPHP?

After the storm. HP12312 (L). Photo looks SE.

No.  What’s the point in it, Loop, while it’s still lost in the clouds?  Actually, I feel sleepy after eating all that trail mix.  May take a nap.  Depending on what happens, we might go on to Long Trek Mountain afterwards.

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!  SPHP laid down next to the tree bush.  Lupe decided she might as well snuggle up, too.  Huddled together in the occasional flurries, wind, and fog of the lingering storm, it was off to Dingo dreamland …

In the fog, a low, threatening growl.

What is it, Loop?  What’s out there?

Shhh!  Something’s coming, SPHP.  It’s almost here!

The American Dingo suddenly spang to her paws, barking furiously, as a figure appeared amid the gloom.

Poor Shannon, “Footsie” her CDT name, just about had a heart attack.

SPHP apologized.  Footsie bore no grudge.  In fact, she was more than willing to join the huddle by the tree.  She hadn’t seen anyone in more than 2 days before Lupe’s outrageously dramatic appearance, and felt like talking.  While Footsie sat there stroking Lupe and sharing in the beef jerky, SPHP encouraged her to share her story.

Footsie was from Michigan, and had become a fan of long trails after completing the Superior Trail along the N shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota.  Last year she’d done the Pacific Crest Trail, where she’d met her current boyfriend.  He had to work until late July, but would be joining her on the CDT then, or they’d take on the Appalachian Trail, hiking S from the N end.

Footsie’s journey N on the the CDT from the Mexico border began back on April 25th.  Learning that Lupe had been to Mount Taylor along the CDT in northern New Mexico, Footsie was enthusiastic.  Mount Taylor was where the CDT really started getting good!

Footsie chatted about all kinds of trail-related stuff – how she kept in touch with her mother every evening (a Garmin unit), how she financed her activities (work), how she kept herself supplied (hitchhiking), places she’d been to, and other trails she wanted to do.

It was all very interesting.  Meanwhile, the weather was improving.  The wind kept blowing, but the fog was once again lifting in some directions, revealing big, ever-changing views.  Patches of blue sky appeared, and it warmed up a bit.  By the time Footsie ended her tale, all the new snow had melted.

Having done 7 miles earlier, Footsie hoped to go another 5 before calling it a day.  That would put her within a mere 15 miles of Wolf Creek Pass tomorrow, where she could hitch a ride into Pagosa Springs for supplies.  Before departing, Footsie was happy to pose with Lupe in front of Long Trek Mountain, which was back in view again.

With Footsie along the CDT near Long Trek Mountain. Photo looks SW.
Shannon “Footsie” and “Scary Dingo” Lupe.

6-17-23, 2:11 PM, Continental Divide Trail – Conditions were worsening again as Footsie departed, heading N along the CDT.  Another dark gray cloud was coming over Long Trek Mountain from out of the W, and the wind was picking up.  Yet, if Footsie could manage, Lupe could, too.  However, the American Dingo was headed in the opposite direction.

Didn’t take long to reach the end of the snow-free ground.  Long Trek Mountain’s summit was hidden in fog again, as Lupe began climbing SSW along a giant snowfield on the E flank of the mountain.  Another dark figure appeared up on Long Trek Mountain’s SE ridge.  Someone else was heading this way!

At the base of the snowfield. Conejos Peak (L) in the distance. Photo looks SSE.
Another CDT’er (R of Center) approaches! Photo looks S.

20 minutes after Footsie went on her way, Lupe met Svie, who knew her.  Convinced that Footsie was at least several days behind him by now, Svie was stunned to learn that she was actually ahead.  Svie chatted amiably with SPHP for 10 minutes.  He had done the Appalachian Trail, and was shocked by how much more challenging the CDT was.

Speaking of which, the weather was still deteriorating.  Another mini-blizzard struck as Svie continued N.  Heading SSE, Lupe aimed for Long Trek Mountain’s SE ridge, where Svie had just been.

Continental Divide Trail along Long Trek Mountain’s E slope. Photo looks NNW.
Heading for the SE ridge. Photo looks SSE.

The mini-blizzard was still raging when Lupe reached a cairn on bare ground on the SE ridge.  With no protection at all here, the Carolina Dog curled up on SPHP’s lap next to the trail.  Frequent loud thunder was coming from a short distance N, so SPHP didn’t dare let her climb the mountain.

Waiting for the thunder to end. Photo looks E.

Thunder began coming from the S, too, but after 20 minutes, it was all well to the E.  No longer snowing as hard, either.  With only 500 feet of elevation gain separating the CDT from the summit, Lupe started up.

Thunder gone, about to leave the CDT trail and head up. Photo looks NW.

Long Trek Mountain’s SE ridge was a rounded, moderately steep ramp.  Hardly any snow on it.  Halfway up, Lupe came to a number of big rock formations, but they were all easily avoided.

Climbing Long Trek Mountain’s SE ridge. Photo looks NW.
Approaching the first rock formation. Photo looks NW.
Easily by-passing more formations. Photo looks NW.

6-17-23, 3:21 PM, 34ºF, Long Trek Mountain (12,866 ft.) – Exposed to the full force of a 25 mph W wind, Lupe made it to the summit cairn.  Sadly, not a thing to see up here in the fog.

Made it! Long Trek Mountain summit. Photo looks NNE.

Get up on the cairn, Loop!  I’ll shake your paw while you’re standing on it.

The wind is cold, SPHP.

Yeah, I know.  Just get up there for a moment.  I want to congratulate you on climbing Long Trek Mountain on such a wild day, then we’ll retreat a bit to where the wind isn’t so bad.

Partway up the cairn. Photo looks W.
There we go! Success!

Retreating 25 feet back to the SE, more beef jerky was the Dingo-favored celebratory item of choice.

Well, too bad about Summit Peak, but at least we got to one mountain, Loopster.  Funny thing is, even though we’ve only gone 3.25 miles to get here, sure seems like Long Trek Mountain has lived up to its name.

We won’t be forgetting Long Trek Mountain anytime soon will we, SPHP?  Wish we could have hit Montezuma Peak and Summit Peak, too.  Maybe we can return some day?

Worth considering, Looper.  I’ll keep them on your list of possibilities.  Perhaps for later in the season, though.  Supposed to be summer, but it’s still winter up here!

Sitting there in the frigid fog and wind, it was tempting to simply call it good and head back.  After all, Lupe had made it to the summit.  No point in lingering under present circumstances, was there?  Yet neither human nor Dingo stirred.

Maybe it was just inertia?  Whatever the reason for staying, SPHP knew immediately it had been the right decision as soon as a small patch of blue sky appeared.  Took a while, but the clouds lifted, taking the fog with them.  Lupe could see!  The persistent W wind blew harder than ever as big clouds streamed by, but blue sky continued to fan out in all directions.

Montezuma Peak (13,150 ft.) and Summit Peak (13,300 ft.) appeared in all their fabulous snow-clad glory!  Gazing SE, there was a mountain SPHP had been hoping to see.

Loop!  There’s Conejos Peak (13,172 ft.), where we were 2 days ago!

HP12312 (L), Conejos Peak (Center) in the distance. Photo looks SE.
Summit Peak (L) in the clouds, Montezuma Peak (Center). Photo looks SSW.
Summit Peak (L), Montezuma Peak (R of Center). Photo looks SSW.

Clouds hid Crater Lake deep in a valley to the W, but looking NW, Lupe could see part of that same valley.

A glimpse of deep valleys below the clouds. Photo looks NNW.

Peak 12550 and Peak 12498 were in sight only 1.5 miles NNE.  Although Lupe had just come from the NE, the views in this direction were most surprising.  The terrain wasn’t nearly as snowy as it had seemed.  On the horizon, Bennett Peak (13,203 ft.) looked like merely a big hill.

Peak 12550 (L), Peak 12498 (R), both just beyond the snow. Photo looks NNE.
Bennett Peak (Center) on the horizon. Photo looks NE.

No doubt about it, though.  The view to the S was the most magnificent of all.  Montezuma Peak and Summit Peak kept drawing SPHP’s eye like a magnet.

Montezuma Peak isn’t that far, SPHP.  Want to go for it?  We could do it!

Summit Peak (L), Montezuma Peak (Center). Photo looks SSW.

Tempting!  Snowy, but the terrain leading to Montezuma Peak appeared to be otherwise obstacle free.  Hmm…  The snow hadn’t been difficult to deal with, it just made everything more awesome!

The terrain (Center) leading to Montezuma Peak (R edge). Summit Peak (R). Photo looks S.

I’d love to, Loopster, but it’s not a warm day, and it’s already getting late in the afternoon.  I know you could get there, but it would take me too long.  We wouldn’t get back until well after dark.

This is our chance!  We’re here now, SPHP!

Usually a great argument, Loop, but Summit Peak was our main objective, and we didn’t even get close.  So maybe we really will be back, and can climb both then.  Heck, maybe we could even bring your tiny house?

Oh, that would be super!  Promise, SPHP?

The future is always uncertain, Looper, but I promise to keep these peaks on your list of possibilities.  We’ve returned to climb many others after having seen them on earlier Dingo Vacations before.

Whether this truly satisfied the Carolina Dog is debatable.  Long Trek Mountain had turned out to be a big success, and a very memorable day, yet Lupe still gazed somewhat wistfully at Montezuma Peak.

She wasn’t alone.

Summit Peak (far L), Montezuma Peak (L). Photo looks SW.

6-17-23, 4:25 PM, Long Trek Mountain (12,866 ft.) – For the last time, the Carolina Dog stood atop the summit cairn, blue sky now beyond.  Montezuma wasn’t going to happen, at least, not today.  Lupe’s summit hour was over, and who knew if she would ever really be back?  Instead of leaving right away, SPHP let her linger, experiencing all the glory of Long Trek Mountain a while longer.

Atop Long Trek Mountain’s summit cairn for the final time. Photo looks NW.
Surrounded by magnificence! Photo looks SW.

Somewhere miles away, Footsie and Svie were heading N, continuing their separate epic journeys along the Continental Divide Trail.  They would never be back, but it had been fun meeting them, sharing a small part of a crazy early summer day.

Someday we’ll be over on Summit Peak looking back this way, won’t we, SPHP?  And we can remember being here, and Footsie and Svie, too.

Hope so, Loop, but relish the moment.  All we ever have is today.

I always do, SPHP.  Carolina Dogs are good at that.

I know.  Love you, Loopster.  You’re the best!  But just like Footsie and Svie, it’s time for our own epic journey to continue as well.

I know what you’re saying, SPHP.

Yup.  Together always!  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

Bathed in sunshine, Lupe left Long Trek Mountain, heading back down the SE ridge, HP12312 at the far end, and new friend Conejos Peak from only 2 days ago in the distance.

Starting down. HP12312 (L), Conejos Peak (R of Center). Photo looks SE.

Once back to the Continental Divide Trail, Lupe turned N.  For a little while now, she would get to follow Footsie and Svie’s footsteps where they’d hiked this very day, not so long ago, in snow and wind along the beautiful E flank of Long Trek Mountain.  (End 6:16 PM, 46ºF)

Back at the Continental Divide Trail. Peak 12550 (R). Photo looks N.
On the E slopes of Long Trek Mountain. Photo looks NNW.
With “Footsie” near Long Trek Mountain. San Juan Mountains, Colorado 6-17-23
Lupe’s GPS Track (Ascent)


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Saratoga Hot Springs, Red Mountain & Bridger Peak, Wyoming (8-14-15)

The morning of Day 6 of Lupe’s great Summer of 2015 Dingo Vacation found Lupe and SPHP at the dispersed camping site at the intersection of USFS Roads No. 100 & 215 in the Medicine Bow Mountains of Wyoming.  Lupe had climbed Kennaday Peak (10,810 ft.) the day before, and despite getting back rather late, she was full of energy.  She sniff excitedly around in the forest nearby and was successful in finding a squirrel to bark at.  The squirrel returned insults from the safety of a big pine tree.

While all this excitement was going on, SPHP sat in the G6 catching up the trip journal.  Suddenly, a yellowish hummingbird was flitting around the G6 – kind of a bright, cheerful, living drone.  The hummingbird was a good omen.  Soon it was time to go.  Lupe and SPHP paid a quick visit to the South Brush Creek Campground to get water, and then headed W on Hwy 130 to the town of Saratoga.

The first thing on the agenda in Saratoga was to check out the Saratoga Hot Springs.  In addition to two hot pools, there is a regular cool swimming pool, too.  SPHP was disappointed to learn that the swimming pool ($4.00 admission) wouldn’t open until noon, which was still hours away.  However, the hot springs were open 24/7 and free, which was an amazing and unbeatable deal.  SPHP looked forward to getting clean again!

Lupe arrives to check out the Saratoga Hot Springs on 8-14-15. Of course she couldn't go in, but she did get to wade in the nearby North Platte river.
Lupe arrives to check out the Saratoga Hot Springs on 8-14-15. Of course she couldn’t go in, but she did get to wade in the nearby North Platte river.
Unfortunately, the lovely cool swimming pool at the Saratoga Hot Springs was closed until noon.
Unfortunately, the lovely cool swimming pool at the Saratoga Hot Springs was closed until noon.

Swimming pool at Saratoga Hot Springs 8-14-15

The biggest, and by far the largest, of two hot pools at the Saratoga Hot Springs.
The biggest, and by far the largest, of two hot pools at the Saratoga Hot Springs.

One rather unusual feature of Saratoga Hot Springs, is that it is situated right next to a small side channel of the North Platte River.  More hot water bubbles up into the side channel from underground.  SPHP was able to leave the hot spring, walk over to the hot bubbling water at the side channel, and wade a considerable distance upstream.

SPHP waded up this side channel of the North Platte river. There were little fish and crayfish in it.
SPHP waded up this side channel of the North Platte river. There were little fish and crayfish in it.

There were little fish and quite a number of crayfish in the side channel.  SPHP surprised a fawn grazing along the banks.  If SPHP had waded downstream instead of upstream, it would easily have been possible to wade right on down all the way to the North Platte River itself.

The North Platte River in Saratoga, WY.
The North Platte River in Saratoga, WY.

SPHP returned to Lupe in the G6 from the Saratoga Hot Springs refreshed and clean.  Lupe agreed that SPHP sniffed a lot better.  SPHP had learned from a local oil refinery worker, and sometimes Medicine Bow Mountains hunting guide, where there was a city park.  Lupe and SPHP went to the park for a picnic.  Lupe wasn’t too hungry yet.  She mostly rested on the nice green grass in the shade of some trees.  It was a peaceful time, since the trees didn’t seem to harbor any squirrels.

After the picnic, Lupe and SPHP headed S on Hwy 130 to Encampment, WY.  Along the way, SPHP took a picture of Kennaday Peak (10,810 ft.), which Lupe had climbed the evening before to enjoy the sunset.

Kennaday Peak from Hwy 130 a few miles S of Saratoga, WY. Kennaday Peak is 15 miles due E of Saratoga.
Kennaday Peak from Hwy 130 a few miles S of Saratoga, WY. Kennaday Peak is 15 miles due E of Saratoga.

From Encampment, Hwy 70 went W up to Battle Pass in the Sierra Madre mountain range.  There was a big parking area for the 3,100 mile Continental Divide National Scenic Trail near the highway.  Only one other vehicle was parked there, a pickup truck with a big horse trailer.  No one was around.

Lupe had two peakbagging goals in the area.  One was Red Mountain (10,508 ft.), located no more than 1.5 miles to the S, and which involved less than 600 feet of elevation gain from the trailhead.  The other was Bridger Peak (11,004 ft.), which was about 5 miles away to the NW, and a more significant climb.  Lupe was going to visit Red Mountain first.

A broken sign was propped up at the S end of the parking lot where a small road led up into the forest.  It said “Dead End Road, Private Property 100 Feet Ahead, Horse & Foot Traffic Only On Posted Trail.”  Not terribly welcoming, but Lupe and SPHP started going S following this road.  It was 12:55 PM, and 70°F.

Right away Lupe reached the private property.  The dirt road serving as the Continental Divide Trail continued through it.  As Lupe progressed, various dirt side roads headed off in different directions into the forest.  These were either chained off, had “No Trespassing” signs, or both.  Occasionally there were big rock cairns with posts sticking out of them showing the correct way to go.

Less than 0.5 mile NW of Doane Peak, the private property ended close to a “T” intersection with another dirt road.  Lupe went to the right heading SW over a small ridge and then down to a meadow.  Red Mountain could be seen ahead across the meadow.

Lupe reaches the meadow NE of Red Mountain - the forested ridge seen through the trees. Photo looks SW.
Lupe reaches the meadow NE of Red Mountain – the forested ridge seen through the trees. Photo looks SW.

Lupe left the road and Continental Divide Trail.  She headed across the meadow straight up into the trees directly toward Red Mountain.  There wasn’t too much deadfall timber to contend with, and the summit of Red Mountain was only a few hundred feet higher than the meadow.  The way wasn’t too steep, either.  Lupe enjoyed a pretty nice romp in the shady forest.  SPHP followed her on up the mountain.

At the top of Red Mountain, Lupe came to a cairn about 3′ high made, appropriately enough, of red rocks.  The cairn was about 30′ W of what looked like the actual highest natural point on the mountain.  SPHP wasn’t really expecting much in the way of views from Red Mountain.  The forested ridge might very well not offer views of anything at all other than the forest.  Red Mountain surprised, though.  There were some very nice open views to the S.

Lupe reaches the summit cairn on Red Mountain.
Lupe reaches the summit cairn on Red Mountain.
The natural high point is seen here, although the cairn 30' to the W is built up a bit taller now.
The natural high point is seen here, although the cairn 30′ to the W is built up a bit taller now.  Lupe takes a break with her 1st peakbagging goal of the day already accomplished.
Wow! Lupe is pleased and impressed with the view to the S from Red Mountain - much better than anticipated!
Wow! Lupe is pleased and impressed with the view to the S from Red Mountain – much better than anticipated!  No telling how many squirrels are out there!

From the summit cairn, it looked like there was some pretty high ground still off to the W on Red Mountain.  Since it was possible there might even be a higher point over there, Lupe and SPHP headed W, going far enough to be satisfied Lupe had already reached the true summit.  Along the way, Lupe discovered a clearing with a good view of Bridger Peak off to the NW – her next peakbagging goal for the day.

Bridger Peak to the NW from Red Mountain.

The meadow with the view of Bridger Peak was less than 100′ from the summit cairn.  Lupe and SPHP returned to the summit.  SPHP took one last look at the great view to the S, while Lupe tried to hide from the sun.

"Kinda bright here SPHP, can we go now?"
“Kinda bright here SPHP, can we go now?”

On the way back down Red Mountain, Lupe stayed more to the E along the ridgeline than the way she’d come up.  Before she lost much elevation, there were some openings in the forest with pretty good distant views all the way E to Medicine Bow Peak.

Lupe and SPHP were back at the G6 again at 3:10 PM.  It was still 70°F.  There was actually quite a nice clear view of Bridger Peak from Highway 70 close to the Continental Divide Trail trailhead where the G6 was parked.  Lupe and SPHP walked down to the highway for a couple of shots of Bridger Peak.

Bridger Peak from Battle Pass along Hwy 70.
Bridger Peak from Battle Pass along Hwy 70.
Lupe at Battle Pass with Bridger Peak to the NW.

The maps showed that there was a Battle Site and Battle Cemetery at two separate places up on Battle Pass.  The Battle Cemetery road was shown a half mile farther N and closer to Bridger Peak, so SPHP decided to move the G6 over there.  Lupe and SPHP had hardly left the Continental Divide Trail trailhead parking lot when there was a right turn off Highway 70 where the Battle Site was supposed to be.  Why not find out something about the battle the place was named after?

SPHP pulled off the highway.   A very short paved road led to another big empty parking lot.  There were views from Battle Pass and signs about wildlife, but nothing about the battle that Battle Pass must be named after.  Lupe and SPHP didn’t even get out of the G6.  SPHP drove back to Highway 70 and continued N.  Just before the highway turned W, there was a gravel road heading E into the forest towards where the map said Battle Cemetery was supposed to be.

A short drive on the gravel road led to a big parking area with dirt roads radiating out from it.  This parking area was full of dust.  There were lots of vehicles parked at various points near the surrounding forest.  Campers could be seen back in the trees.  People were around.  From the dirt road to the NW, several ATV’s roared into view.  The drivers skidded into the parking area purposely stirring up an impressive choking cloud of dust.  Oh, yay, people!

SPHP parked the G6 in the dust cloud.  The road to the NW the ATV’s had come from was probably the road to Bridger Peak.  Lupe and SPHP left the G6 for Bridger Peak at 3:29 PM.  (Still 70°F!)  Lupe headed for the dirt road to the NW.  SPHP was surprised and happy to see a little signpost for the Continental Divide Trail practically right next to the road.  Lupe and SPHP could follow a single track trail leading N into the forest instead of the dusty road.

The Continental Divide Trail climbed steeply to gain 150 – 200′ of elevation and then leveled out. It went up and down some, but was pretty easy going.  The trail didn’t look like it got much use, but was in good enough condition so it wasn’t hard to follow, except in a couple of short sections. After about a mile, the trail reached a dirt road.  There was no sign of the trail anywhere on the other side of the road.  Apparently the road was the Continental Divide Trail from here on, because Lupe never saw a sign for it again the rest of the way to Bridger Peak.  It’s quite likely this was the same NW road the ATV’s had arrived from back at the parking lot.

Lupe and SPHP followed the road all the way up to Bridger Peak.  There was almost no traffic.   Just a few vehicles and ATV’s came by.  This was another road trek through the forest sort of like the one Lupe and SPHP had made the prior day up to Kennaday Peak.  The road up to Bridger Peak did feature more openings in the forest, and more opportunities to see some views along the way.

The sky had been mostly sunny, with puffy clouds when Lupe left the big dusty parking lot.  As time went by, the weather started deteriorating.  Scattered thunderstorms appeared here and there not too far away.  They weren’t big, but still worrisome.  Eventually, a threatening cloud appeared over Bridger Peak and kept growing.  It started sprinkling rain on and off. When the thunder started, Lupe really didn’t want to go on.  She wanted to stop and hide.

SPHP allowed the concerned Carolina Dog periodic short stops, even though the need to hurry was growing.  Thunder sounded closer and closer as the summit came into view.  It was looking rather stormy by the time Lupe reached the top of Bridger Peak, but the storm hadn’t really hit yet.  SPHP started taking a few pictures fast.  Lupe wasn’t going to be willing to stay up on the summit very long.  After about 10 minutes, suddenly there was a crack and thunder boomed very loud nearby.  A gusty wind and cold rain hit Bridger Peak almost immediately.

Lupe reaches the Bridger Peak summit.
Lupe reaches the Bridger Peak summit.

The views from 11,004' Bridger Peak.
The views from 11,004′ Bridger Peak.  The closest ridge in the center is 10,508′ Red Mountain, which Lupe had climbed just before coming here.

Lupe on Bridger Peak 8-14-15SPHP hadn’t seen the lightning, but Lupe left no doubt about what she wanted to do.  SPHP was in full agreement.  The American Dingo and SPHP both fled, scrambling downhill fast.  Naturally, within 5 minutes the worst of the storm was over.  The rain became just a sprinkle, the wind died down, and the thunder pealed from farther away.  None of these storms were really very big.  The Dingo was not reassured.  Thunder rumbled a little ways off several times every minute.  Although the thunder gradually diminished, Lupe begged SPHP again and again to stop and hide.

A last look back at the summit of Bridger Peak.
Looking E not far from the summit of Bridger Peak.
Looking E not far from the summit of Bridger Peak.
On the way back.
On the way back.

Lupe and SPHP did stop many times.  Lupe liked hiding in the forest.  Even though it was now all downhill, progress back down Bridger Peak was as slow or slower than coming up.  By the time Lupe got back to where the Continental Divide Trail separated from the road, the sun had set and light was fading fast.  Lupe was doing much better, though.  The thunder had quit as the storms all moved off to the E.  The sky was clearing again.  Lupe actually had a lot of fun racing around in the woods along the Continental Divide Trail on the way back.

It was almost dark when Lupe reached the G6 again at 8:43 PM (59°F).  Stars were already coming out.  Lupe and SPHP left the dusty parking lot, and drove back up to the Continental Divide Trail trailhead closer to Red Mountain.  Not a soul was around, nor any other vehicle.  Lupe and SPHP had sardines for dinner right on the parking lot.  It was getting so dark SPHP could hardly see to eat them, but Lupe really loved the sardines.Lupe on Bridger Peak, WY 8-14-15Links:

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